Across the Border // SHANGHAI

Geometric Landscapes by Jerry-Lee Bosmans

In the hybrid space between design and contemporary art, Jerry-Lee Bosmans emerges as a referential figure, captivating audiences with his powerful graphic artworks. Hailing from Nijmegen in the Netherlands, Bosmans' work is distinguished by its bold compositions and vibrant palette, taking viewers into a kaleidoscopic experience.

In the pivotal year of 2020, Bosmans embarked on a personal journey of visual experimentation. With each passing day, he has been pushing the boundaries of his craft and evolving continuously with innovative techniques and styles. For Bosmans, visual experiments serve as a playground for discovery and growth. Each experiment is an opportunity to play with form, color, texture, and composition when manipulating digital tools.

While Bosmans' oeuvre bears nods to established traditions such as optical art, graphic posters, and geometric abstraction, it's the meticulous attention to detail that defines his powerful style. His compositions work as an interplay of shapes and hues, like a visual harmony.

In an era defined by modernity's flux and fluidity, Bosmans' work acts as a calm space. His delicate compositions and meditative phrases take us to a poetic realm where time flows at a different speed.